Global Research Alliance

Improving the lives of young people

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University-based  global  child  and  adolescent  research 

Current Research

If you wish to participate in our research please select a study and complete the questionnaire. We remind participants that your input will help us with our mission to improve the lives of children and adolescents across the world. We sincerely thank you for your help.

Teacher Well-being

Challenges and Teacher Retention

The COVID-19 pandemic has created stress for educators across the world 

This study invites all educators to share their experiences - positive as well as negative - of teaching during and since the pandemic. The aim is to assess teacher well-being to determine how teachers can be better supported in the current educational climate. Please consider answering questions in a questionnaire when it becomes available. In the meantime please feel free to contact us with your story

Past Surveys

Research studies undertaken during the early stages of the Pandemic have been completed. Details about the studies are below. 

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